Bad Experiences Teach Me Good Things
because I have learning attitude
First experience can never be repeated. Not like before; it means it's good sign. It's sign that one is not robot (plastic). We are sticking,  beholding and looking for past experiences. In this way actually we are stuck with the memory of past experience. We cannot hold any experience; you can only hold the memory of experience. We stuck with it. It means we are not 100% in the present moment; that's why we are remembering past experiences. Not 100% in the past, not 100% now. If we are living wonderful full life then no need to remember past life. We were very impressed from one personality at some point of time. By the time we came to know some imperfection / weakness. Now we don't like that being. Nothing changed except thinking. After changing perception, the whole idea of looking that being changed. 
We have to control the understanding of thought process. This is fresh talk right now but you as a listener are connecting it with past experiences. You are trying to make it old. Newly married couples become weird (boring) very rapidly for each other (same issues, same discussion, same question, same answer). Nothing new, no freshness. Past experiences / that personality died (gone). Come to present moment with fascination. Enjoy the new experiences. Sticking with past experiences is sign of death. You will not be able to enjoy the life. We make the things (life) old by sticking with past experiences. If we follow any old practice, we become same. It means going to no life. We have to accept change. Game (play) means new. For example, badminton; same racket / court / shuttle / other player; no second moment is same. It's impossible. Every moment is new / different / amazing. Life is like this; actual for everyone, new ambitions. Look at parents when they are angry on very small petty stuff and enjoy. They are using their democratic right to be angry and sad; let them. Be open to accept everyone with every experience. 

We need to Overcome the FEAR of Pain / painful experiences; and Desire for Pleasurable Experiences. Pleasurable experiences don't come due to desire; it looks but it's not; they just come. Same is for bad experiences. Every being has some good and bad characteristics; so you can get good and bad experiences accordingly from one and same person. It's natural / automatic. Nice word has nice impact, mango will give you it's taste; even you don't become crazy for mango. Eat and enjoy mango as you are seeing for first and last time. This will be an unimaginable / intense pleasureful experience.

People are busy everywhere in text messaging; in spite of enjoying food, scenery; they are photoing and texting; this is not full enjoyment of that location. Gaining weight but no enjoyment / taste. I am talking about full enjoyment of life 100% because there is no replacement / regret / craziness. If you see the same person again; even then its a new experience; the condition is if you are new from inside. If your spouse is thorough gentle, even then you will feel it boring. All good and bad experiences are part of life. Actual life to live is different than how we are living. Eagles fighting with each other mixed with love. Dogs doing the same. There is something to learn everywhere. 

What if someone says; I'm not interested in anything; I just need promotion / good deals in business. In this case; he thinks that he will never die. He is planning forever. Observe life with new perspective every moment. Same park has a lot new. On the way it's a lot new to be noticed. Huge traffic with full impatience; now you have two choices; 1) Irritate, then you are stupid. Stupid people are unhappy. 2) There is no need to be worried due to stupidity of others. I don't want to give my control to others. You can watch a lot of live actions in irregular traffic; more amusing than screen movies. Real life action; a motorcycle with five people riding including an infant baby; no helmet; crossing a huge truck with very narrow escape. No accidents are occurring; possibility of many accidents but still life is moving well. Observe the grave failures with full attention with learning and positive attitude.

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Philosophy of Hardships of Life
27. BUTTERFLY AND COCOON A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly. What this man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If nature allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly...
28. THE OBSTACLE IN OUR PATH In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one’s condition.

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How Will be My Last Moment
We are living dream life when compared to millions of less blessed people. Discouraging is a big sin; not dealing with this situation and letting these sinners do their job is bigger sin as compared to #1. Remember! in childhood, how we were used to celebrate small achievements. A tough goal while playing soccer, small funny things were quite enough to make us mad with happiness. We were not conditioned like now; maybe I will not be able to make next goal. If simply we become able to free from fear of failure; it will be a big start of being successful. Cricketer, dancer; just experiment to be like child; keep away from fear. Fear is only baseless imagination. When we compare ourselves with others or current situation with other situation or compare ourselves with ourselves; are root of fear. Understanding and getting rid of this puzzle will remove the FEAR. Greed made a happy man a crazy person. He turned into fighting man with everyone due to greed. At the last moment he was regretting. Let's decide; how will be our last moment. No regrets; tears of joy.

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Take a Chance
Excuses keep you away what you are supposed to do. Record, watch yourself, upload on social media and test yourself. Thinking and postponing are tricks of mind. This all ind game. What are planning to do in future, you can do right now. Whatever you can, do it right away. Tomorrow never comes. Action teaches you more. Action changes things, thinking not. Take a chance. If nothing will happen, right now nothing is happening though. Just do it. 

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Junk Food is Medicine; is this Right
Emotional eating; junk food; coke, burger, pizza, pasta, noodles; empty carbohydrates; hard to digest; unhealthy stomach is source of many (almost all) diseases. With good stomach, simple food will digest. With bad stomach, even good food will not digest. It will affect both body and brain. People misinterpret the problem. Western medicine is all suppressant of symptoms. Laziness means body is not working well, it needs some exercise. If we can work on symptoms, make changes in lifestyle routine and food can save us a lot from fatal disaster. To get freshness, coffee with high sugar and Tylenol is tried. This is just temporary solution and very soon the bad condition (fatigue) comes back with more severity.
We need to understand the mechanism; western medicine, operation, stitches and walk again. Reality is FOOD is MEDICINE. We don't need medicine if we can use it according to needs of our body. In extreme cases we may need medicine. In routine, we may keep balance our body and mind. Focusing on what we are doing helps to save our time. Distraction and not be at present moment 100% is wastage of time. Habit of not stopping and thinking about  real solution is ruining us. Our life is driven by our ill habits and confused society from subconscious. We are not able to take our life decisions consciously.
Doing little thing with focus helps a lot; food, study, work; no TV distraction while eating, studying, working. Life is preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future; is to live as if there were none. With full will power (commitment) doing good things and refrain from evil is the purpose. Will power (commitment) is big power. Focus will help to improve the will power. Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Leaving evil and starting good has a revolutionary power. Success at anything will always come down to this; focus and effort and we control both. Be absolutely aware of what you are doing right now . Get 100% focus. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing in my life right now? Strive to find answers.

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Do We Need Anything for Our Fulfilment

You don't love cigarette but you are addicted to it. Needed to ponder very carefully to be clear about our addiction and what we have to love to do. Otherwise you will be forcing your siblings, kids and environment about what you are not sure. Most of us are unhappy due to thinking style, not due to lifestyle. I couldn't but I'm so ambitious for my son to get the same position. The person who is not happy, not satisfied; how he will guide others. He may try to use others to satisfy himself. Is feeling, sensation, pleasure, thought; love? Not at all. We love our country; it's a big lie. We don't try to prove our claim. On the other we all are involved in all corruptions. Terrorists love their their thoughts and feelings triggered. We have misconceptions about love; the couple who married with great 'love'; on divorce their comments are different about each other. 
Sensations, feelings about food (unhealthy); is that LOVE? There are selfish motives which we are wrongly naming LOVE. With selfish motive, we are unable to understand the need, happiness and requirement of others. If I'm looking for love then I can't give love and sacrifice. 
How fast sensations change; for a poor man an expensive mobile phone set is a dream; for a rich it's a routine. So satisfaction is not in that set. This logic is applicable for everything in this world. 
We get a false sense of fulfilment but that is not permanent. For that interval, we become free of desires. 
Sense of lack and new desires come back in that vacuum and now again you start becoming upset. Again start self torturing, struggling.
We had fulfillment in childhood; we started creating desires (vacuum, dissatisfaction); now suffering, upsetting started. Small desires leave fulfillment for short interval; larger desires leave fulfillment for larger interval. ABSOLUTE FREEDOM WITHIN IS DESIRE OF EVERY BEING. If one achieve it, it will remain forever. This is absolute state of fulfillment. I don't need anything to make me happy. I'm happy in my nature. This is my natural right. Everyone has false desire to expand territory of fulfillment. 
If this expansion reaches to infinity, what will happen. If I can believe that I'm infinite; I don't need anything from outside for fulfilment. After this understanding - all will be love (infinite).

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Stopping Ourselves From Dislike is Making us More Attentive to it

How to come out of problems in Life. What is the ultimate goal of life? Life is not like we dream. Life is not simple. Success of life is happiness as compared to materialistic gain. We all know it very well. But when situation arises, we don't find ourselves able to handle it; stress, depression, anger; setback; health, relationship, business. How can we live full of inner joy. Child and toy; this is story of whole life. This is all illusions; not genuine happiness. The person who was thinking to end life to get proposed spouse; they end their life after getting it. Parent's love is unconditional; kid's love is conditional. When our attention focus on one point; that moment is thought free and full of happiness; a scenery, a hug, soccer, cricket. Everyone has a choice; item, person, situation, promotion. When the situation is you dislike; makes you sad. Healthy kids make us happy, sick kids make us sad. Our likes and dislikes drag the whole attention. Extreme like and dislike is problem. You dislike cattle dung (gobar) or some person with bad habits; it's natural. You cannot change the nature. Hate is problem. Wishing for promotion is not problem; craving is problem. Extreme and ready to sacrifice more important than promotion e.g, health. Extreme like and dislike create suffering. Craving (urge) is trap (on both sides; like and dislike). Stopping ourselves from dislike is making us more attentive to it.

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Time Management Tool Easy; A Question
Time management; optimise every moment. We think more, do little and get confused. Thinking gets you to more options. Thoughts start from desire; then it grows into branches (network). It happens unconsciously. If we can track back; from where it started; we would be able to set and control its direction. PAUSE and ASK this important question; what is most important for me at this moment. We will get immediate answer. Exam, study. Strive to find answers. Mind is tangled with multiple thoughts. You are more powerful than mind. Tell your mind; PAUSE. In routine, we use our mind unknowingly under the influence of our habits. If we use it knowingly then we can drive our mind. Mind is for us, we are not for mind. RIGHT question immediately kills the thought process. If we are asked question from outside; thought process stops immediately. Focus your thought process in one direction with right question. Now you can instruct your mind very easily. Nothing happens with thinking; something happens with doing. Parents fight, no like on facebook for new photo; mood off. ASK question; what is most important for me at this moment; Time Management Tool. Focusing on eating instead of thinking about other things while eating will be very helpful for your health. 

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Do it Right Now
Doing big is a trap, money, name, fame. Sometimes doing a tiny job gives you a tremendous satisfaction; which one cannot achieve with high scores. These days, everyone is in depression. People are looking for laughter. Start amusing people. Meaningful contribution is very important. Use your sense of humour. Do it right now. To change need change. Without change nothing will change. Start with small step.

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Relationship With Trust

Real Friendship and blind trust (mother) is priceless. You become the king of the hearts (timeless, eternal); past, present, future. Instead of thinking for self; thinking and caring about others. Be genuine thinker. One can believe that he can speak hard but cannot think wrong. This is trust, team building. Small but strong team can compete a big team. Other relationships (without trust) are temporary. If you have betrayed someone, he would be waiting for his turn. This would be an environment of fear and distrust.

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Communication Skills
Communication Skills; Life long 
extraordinary important. Discover your weakness. Understand the need and demand of audience. In books, we can find techniques. In fights and conflicts; everyone is forcing his point of view. Argument means 'Zero Communication Skills'.

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Knowledge is Powerful Fuel
Car and Life Analogy; Driver (you yourself or dependent on others); Maintenance (exercise, proper thinking); Direction and Destination (purpose of life); 
Fuel (Knowledge; Purity of fuel means specialised in your field of service). Wasting time in 'general knowledge'; news, relationship and separations of 'stars' is example of impurity. Surround yourself with like minded people; inspired, motivated, goal oriented, having some aspirations. Don't blame others for your failure.

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Stronger and Oppressor is Weaker and Victim of His Own
Addiction - people have to understand and follow me. Then and only then I would be able to live happy life. This is an addiction because if you get it, you wish more and more. As a result, inner battery keeps on depleting. We become weaker and weaker from inside. My focus has become to control the whole world like a child. Spirituality controls and changes this type of mentality. We cannot control the world. Position; boss, father, elder, spouse; now this hierarchy is based on fear, greed and other cultural pressure. We have set definitions of respect according to our own perceptions; not on the basis of reality. We all may be trapped in these norms. I keep on doing and following my highers in line knowing that I don't like; and that was not right thing in my opinion for 10 min, 10 days, 10 years, for whole life. While following of this type which type of turbulent energy I was creating for my inner.
Is this respect; NO. Respect means; pure powerful energy, clean thoughts for other person. When I am putting someone else the cause of my sufferings; this is the highest form of negative energy. Fear / respect, love; are opposite energies. Energy of fear is the highest form of negative energy. Other people's negative energy will deplete my battery. Fear affects the stronger person more. Frightened too many people are sending negative vibrations to this stronger being.
When I started enjoying my power; and others started following me. I will becoming more and more dependent on others for my satisfaction and happiness. Insecurity and addiction are peer. This all game of follow is based on greed and fear; which is temporary. People wait for 20 years, for whole life in fear, greed but not for ever. The moment they got free from fear, greed; they express no more follow. Here this strong being has fully addicted, weakened and exhausted. How these 20 years passed. One side controlling (victim of depletion of his power); the other side oppressed (suffered - radiating negative energy). We have to review our definition of power of discipline / control, love, respect. Once you got dependent on others for power; your own will power started depleting. On the top, getting immense negative energy vibrations from peer. Inner power kept on decreasing (dis-empowered) and addiction of dependency on outer power kept on increasing for 20 years. Stronger and oppressor is victim of his own weakness.

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