Stay Motivated All the Time
Body, Mind, Intellect; balance is needed.
Body; right movement, proper rest, health, good food, exercise, mentor-ship, laziness; stomach soft, foot warm, active, head cool, peaceful, no anger, no thoughts, good sleep, take serious any body abnormality. See physiotherapist
We need to clearly understand where we need change; on body level or mind level. Observe self life with full attention. Spend time with you to understand yourself and your problem.
Body; good diet with self assessment and type. Physical activity and exercise; otherwise life will become narrow tunnel. 16 hour study with merely 4 hour output. Do 8 hour study with 16 hour outcome. Don't ignore pain in the body. Fitness of body is first step. 
Mind; feelings and emotions, actual and reality is different, reading and listening audio, video must be to increase the understanding level, for clarity of thoughts. Action is proof of clarity of thoughts. Gauge physical work with efficiency and output. Get more output with less physical work. Excitement and depression are temporary like weather (never minding item). Mind is mostly in trap. Mind platform is already prepared and now it's working on that basis. Observe life with open mind. 
If you are already hot temper, don't eat spicy food. Observe; what is the root of your thoughts. 
In the name of health, all tests are under the influence of funding corporations. 
Intellect; Beauty of intellect is to simplify the complicated puzzles of life with better understanding. Increase your understanding level. Mind is double edged sword; it can simple things complicated and vice versa. 
Physical action and thinking have some limitations. 
Understanding yourself deeply is the only permanent solution to all your problems.

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